Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween?

Happy Halloween...question mark. Trick or Treating is canceled throughout the state of NJ (thanks Sandy...) so I'm wondering what to do with my 2 girls who were very much looking forward to trick or treating....and are chomping at the bit to get their costumes on..I'm thinking an in-home Halloween party. Not quite as exciting, but better than nothing? But really, I'm whining about Halloween being postponed and that I totally get that doesn't matter at all. My heart goes out to all those who were severely affected by this crazy storm. We lost power Monday night, and with that goes our water. But thankfully, my sister in law has both and we've been able to spend the majority of our time over here. #grateful 
I was thinking the other day, what is it with Halloween week and bad weather? Last year, it was the snow storm, and we didn't have power then either.  So crazy. 
Anyways, like I incredibly grateful that we are safe, have someplace to go, and that we took the warnings seriously and prepped! I'm prone to cynicism, and was wondering how bad it would actually be or if it was mostly hype..but as the days went on I became pretty convinced it was going to be a bad storm, and I'm so glad I listened and prepared us (as much as I could..). 
I'm thankful also there's something for the news to talk about besides the upcoming election. I know it's important, and I am a big believer in voting. But I get soooo sick of hearing all the trash talking and hate. There's no such thing as "fair news"  today, and it's annoying. #rantover
Well anyways, life is good.  I'm eating a yummy slice of homemade pumpkin bread while sipping on some nice warm mint tea. (Yes, for me food = a good life.)  Stay safe and remember to keep everyone affected by Sandy in your prayers. The damage is insane. I feel incredibly blessed that my family did not get hit harder. Also, remember to keep the clean-up crews and everyone working to repair the damage in your prayers as well. So much work to be done. And of course, Happy Halloween! No question mark.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October Catch Up!

Ahhh, so it's been a while.... my apologies. Life's been busy really busy. But last week, my body decided it'd had enough of all the craziness, and I was knocked out sick. I'm calling it a cold because that's obviously what the girls had...but its been almost 2 weeks of yuckkk. Sore throat, chills/sweats, coughs, congestion, stomach aches, body aches, headaches, ache, ache, ache...bleh. I think I might be turning the corner though...One can only hope. But anyways, since I've been forced to lie low for a week, I've been able to catch up on some of the things that usually get pushed aside. Such as? I have finally finished the Harry Potter series #betterlatethannever #behindthetimes... I have organized all of my jewelry (and threw away a bunch of missing-their-other-half earrings). I deep cleaned our bedroom (You can actually thank the Comcast guy having to enter into my room for that one...), and I am right-this-minute catching up on my blog. See? Being sick has its own set of advantages. Power of positive thinking..
On the news front...quite a bit has happened in the last month. I ran my first 5k (33.09 people!! -my aim was to be under 40 min, so I definitely succeeded!). That was a huge personal accomplishment because I neverrrrrr (there could not be enough R's on that..#emphasis) thought I could run, and I had to prove to myself that I'm capable. Miracle of all miracles is that I actually find myself enjoying it...not that I've gone at all since contracting this monster cold. But anyways, that was huge to me. I'm so blessed...
Jon and I also got to go on a weekend retreat with our youth times. It was good, and the weather was beautiful! I absolutely love spending time with teens and feel so grateful that God's let me work with them. And, maybe this is bias (Ok, it totally is), but we have the absolute best youth group around...just sayin'.
Addison turns two in a month (Nov 24th!!)..I can't even believe it. We're having an Elmo birthday... she's obsessed. I'm going to try to make these absolutely adorable Elmo cupcakes I found on pinterest.. #bakingadventures #we'llsee. I'm thinking I should probably try to decorate a few before the party too...I'm the worst for last minute mess-ups that you can't fix in time...good thing I also have a sense of humor and am laid back...Note to self: practice for other people's sake.
The girls and I went to see my mom in RI in the beginning of October. We had such a good time! I love visiting family...wish we lived closer...but 4 1/2 hours really isn't that bad, and is definitely much closer than when we lived in VA.
Oh, something else happened this month...#dontjudgeme...I finallyyy took the girls back to the library! I've been avoiding it since ohhhh, April? I was pretty sure I had a huge fine waiting for me... and the last time I returned books, I received a call that one was possibly colored in and did I know anything about that? (Who, us?) Anyways, I wasn't even concerned with the amount of the fine, nbd, I'll pay it. I was more so embarrassed at the whole thing and nervous I'd be called out on the condition of my last returns in front of people...ha, writing it out makes it seem that much more stupid, but these are the things that go through my mind everyone...#welcomein. So anyways, Addison and I braved the return one morning while Bella was at preschool. We walked in with our heads down, but were surprised and very happy to discover our fine was only $13, and the coloring was not mentioned once. Apparently time was the answer...or at least that's what I tell myself to justify months of re-reading our boring books. #lifeslessons
Ah well, life is good around here. We're happy, extremely blessed, and learning to remember to be thankful for everything we've been given. It's easy (for me) to forget the everyday, little things that God gives me. I'm truly rich in blessings. <3