Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tired Mama..

Tonight I am exhausted. But, I know my grandparents read this (even if no one else does ha) so I am being *that* dedicated and pressing through my sleepiness to blog. Hopefully it makes sense. 

Last weekend was soooo hot (actually the whole week was, but by Friday the girls and I had it!) So, we packed up and went down the shore to Jon's parents campground home away from home (Jon still had work Fri and Sat, but decided he'd meet us there Sat night). Friday was HOT down there, but we enjoyed the pool and AC, and at least I had help and wasn't outnumbered by 2 girls, and 100 degree weather:). Middle of Friday night: Electric aka: AC goes out all the sudden. It's like 90 out at 1am...and no AC. We were a little frantic, but tried to sleep through it anyways. Well, Saturday morning the sun's up and temp's are a'risin. Still no electric, at all. We decide around 8 am to investigate with a quick walk to the campground office. Apparently a transformer blew around midnight and a small front section of the campground (IE: us..) was without electric. The power company is aware, we were assured and all should be well again shortly. Fast forward to 2pm. Temp is 105. Heat index at 116. We're dying. The sun's too hot to have the girls at the pool (grampy enjoyed most of his day there though) So what are a group of girls to do? SHOP. We went for a little retail therapy where, most importantly, there would be air conditioned stores. (HALLELUJAH chorus please) By the time we got home around 5 we were indeed up and running with AC - feel free to sing the chorus again. We did. Late Saturday night Jon and Jen were able to drive down and join us, and Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful day at the beach! The girls loved it in their own unique ways, Bella played and made everyone (mostly me) get in the cold water and play for ever. Or so it felt. Addison chose to sleep in her tent for the majority of the outing. Which was perfectly fine by me:) Sunday night however, there was a HUGE, and I mean huge, storm in OC. The entire Marmora township was left without power -deja vu anyone? We decided to leave Sunday night instead on Monday morning. So glad we went down there to *escape* the heat. It was fun though:)
Things have been pretty busy around the Ramberg house this week. I am in the middle of a home-project for my MIL's birthday so things are in complete chaos while I craft my way to the finished product. I'm trying not to lose my head as Bella tries her hand at losing my supplies:). Don't think Addison doesn't get in on the act either. It's a conspired plot in which, Bella's role is to slyly maneuver my things to the floor.  Addison then takes over and rolls away with the stolen goods. Needless to say we're crazy hectic over here:). But I love that.

Addison has moved on this week to eating some (carefully selected!) solid, solid foods. As in, not pureed! We have introduced the cheerio, yogurt melts, and cinnamon puffs. She likes them all. Truth be told, we have yet to find a food she doesn't relish. Probably why we're skipping 9 mo clothes and opting to go straight for 12. Chunky Monkey!! I love, love that fat girl!!

Bella was given her first serious spanking tonight (Yes, we spank. No, I don't want to be told why that's emotionally scaring:)). I was mid-project (are you sensing a's my life right now) when Jon found her drinking her cough syrup out of the childproof bottle (yeah right..), and pouring what she didn't consume onto the carpet. cough syrup on white carpet, and a 2 year old drunk on cough syrup. But you have to see the brilliant-ness of her plan...she: 1) Dragged her little chair from her little table in the family room out to the kitchen -without making noise. 2) Placed said chair next to the exact spot on the counter where medicine is kept. 3) Kept Addison from squawking while she stood on her chair and retrieved her --she knew which one was her's apparently-- bottle. 4) Ran from the kitchen back to the family room and THEN, here comes the kicker, OPENED THE CHILDPROOF LID. 
Her only mishap was...she left Addison in the kitchen alone, so Addison squawked.

These kids. I love 'em. 90% of the time. (just kidding..sarcasm doesn't always translate over type so I thought I'd just make sure you know.. I'm kidding. :)) 

Not much is new with Jon and I. I told you about my project news, so other than that I'm  pretty boring. Jon just works. Work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep. I did manage to steal him from work today for his day off. We ran right? Oh, and somehow (I still can't wrap my head around it), at Marshall's today, Isabella managed to talk me out of buying the adorable heels I really do need for an upcoming wedding, and into buying her Elmo shoes instead. They're really cute, don't get me wrong. But, I loooove shoes, and for once, could actually justify buying them. Apparently she does too. Maybe that's a gene you just sort of pass along...

I'm including a few pics with this blog. The infamous Elmo shoes:). Bags that the girls and I decorated for them to take along their toys, books, etc on outings --aren't we crafty:). And some beach photos. Enjoy:)

But, alas, I am still tired, and bed is loudly calling my name -I'm serious, I hear it. So goodnight, lots of love and blessings to you:)

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