Friday, July 15, 2011

my first!

My first blog ever! Decided to try blogging since my family is spread out, and it's an easy way to share what's going on with us. We'll see how well I keep it up:o) 
Life has been insane lately! I finished school (and passed my state tests!), so I am now -officially- certified nurse assistant! On top of that, Jon has been working crazy hours lately...he's been put in charge of doing Swaps for his dealership (for those of us not up on car dealership terminology, this means if someone wants a car with certain specifications they don't own, they contact other dealerships to see if they can swap --hence the name-- one of their cars for the one they need). So, he has kept busy with managing that on top of being a sales person. But he loves his job, and I love that he loves his job! 
Isabella is a HANDFUL of a 2 year old lately! Looove it! She has the funniest bella-isms:o). Yesterday, for example, I was walking across our hardwood floors and my foot squeaked. Bella looked up really startled asking, "What was that?!" I answered, "My foot." She thought about it for a minute before very matter of factly saying, "Your foot was pooping." --Really? Where that came from, I'll never know. She also loves to use phrases she's heard Jon and I saying. One being "It's not bad" after she tries something new. Another - "Just a little bit" Ex: Isabella, did you just feed Addison the dog's food? "Just a little bit."  Last week her and I were making Grampy a birthday cake while Addison napped. As I was banging the spatula full of batter on the mixing bowl Bella said, "Gentle Mommy, Addison is sleeeeeeping."  She's also into anything that will "make her feel better".  Ex 2: Isabella get your hands out of the toilet and lets go wash them. "That make me feel better?" -Um, yes, most definitely it will. As I type this she is holding my Ipod up to her ear apparently talking to Grammy Matchett, Poppop and GG. Her phone buddies. 
Addison is entertaining in a completely different way. She now "crawls". I use the term very loosely, and mostly because I don't really know what else to call what she does. She pretty much lays on her stomach and army crawls(?) across the floor. She's getting pretty speedy at it though. She has this knack for finding the tiniest piece of fuzz/wrapper/hair even though I just vacuumed. It's a talent... she makes me feel like my floors are filthy. She's the happiest baby ever though...I love, love her so much! She never misses an opportunity to laugh and trust me when I say, it is the most adorable sound ever! Melts my heart every time.
Anyways, I could go on forever about my babies. They're awesome, love them to pieces. Same goes for my hubby. He's my rock, and he puts up with my mood swings -props to him. My next post I'll try not to brag as much --it's hard when you've got my family;o)

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